First, make sure that you are logged in to the app. Please follow this link to learn how to check if you are logged in:
Please, note, that you should be logged in with the same details that you used for the original registration in the app. If you enter new details, it will create a new Magic Puzzles account.
If you are logged in to the app correctly, but your coins are still missing, please contact us, and we will check your account. Don't forget to give us your game ID.
How to find ID:
I log onto my account as indicated but there is no Facebook choice. This program transferred to my replacement phone , but I thought I had to redownload a group of puzzles that i had already owned and the "cost" in coins deducted from my total. How can i get my coins back and my
lifetime purchased account and also regain my coins?
Still no credits/coins
Got a new phone
lost coins.
How do I get them back please